Dec 6, 2022Β·edited Dec 6, 2022Liked by Kristin Lueke

Sounds like you have a book on your hands: "The Tao of Kermit". A book-size project would give you the space to really explore Muppet philosophy.

The sequel, of course, would have to be "Green Frogs and Ham" where you can expand on and sink your teeth into the Kermit/Miss Piggy dynamic...


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give me three weeks and an iv drip of green tea and i can churn out 50k words on kermit/miss piggy no problem. NO PROBLEM. 🐸🐷🍽

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...and of course it has to be *green* tea, lol


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Dec 5, 2022Liked by Kristin Lueke

Are muppets able to vote in human elections?

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great question, my god, GREAT question! we know they can have jobs and therefore pay taxes. and as we all know, taxation without representation is tyranny. i cannot imagine the muppet universe is a universe governed by tyrants. so i have to assume that yes, muppets can vote. and if they can vote, it stands to reason they can run for office. in which case, whichever muppet would be most likely to abolish student debt, decriminalize marijuana, tax billionaires out of existence and pass medicare for all has my vote. (probably gonzo, rowlf or dr. teeth. have to do some power rankings.)

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Do muppets have credit scores?

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