I was going through my list of Substack subscriptions this morning and I realized I hadn't seen anything from yours in a little while. Literally seconds later, this popped into my inbox...

There is something about your posts that just draw me in, and this one is no different. You turn the simple act of cutting a pomegranate into poetry. (And at the end, almost literally!) Your mention of Persephone is timely as well -- been doing a lot of research about her world for many reasons. You've given me another avenue to pursue.

Haven't seen a pomagranate in a long time, though I haven't really been looking (and I get laser-focused in grocery stores -- in and out, nobody gets hurt). But I *will* look for one, next time I'm there.

Happy Sunday!


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I cannot wait to see the fruits of your Persephone research Graham! It was so lovely and fun learning about the pomegranate across time and cultures for this...how much of the impulse to write is actually the impulse to research, do you think?

Your pomegranate—like everything else, everything in the world!—will find you when it's time.✨

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Research and writing are so intertwined for me that I don't really know where one starts and the other ends. Novel-writing sessions for me right now are still heavily research-focused, even though I (finally!) have a direction and vague story.

For me, research is important to make sure I get it right. But yes, there is a definite impulse to research things, too, and a definite enjoyment of the process. "Pomegranates" are now on that list, so thanks for that!


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I love your poem! And I share your deep awe and love for the pomegranate!

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Thank you for loving the poem and the pomegranates. Poemagranates. Delicious. ♥️

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Anyway, here are 2 poems about pomegranates... and suddenly I yearn for una


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